Business Partner
Piteco has been the treasurer’s game-changer for years, anticipating evolutions and opportunities. As the right-hand man of the Finance team, Piteco transforms, optimises, accelerates, and simplifies all the key and critical areas of cash management, with a particular focus on the evolution of the central element for each Treasury: the payment, in all its most advanced digital evolutions.
The presence on the market for over 40 years has allowed Piteco to live the numerous regulatory and, above all, technological changes that have characterised the sector at the forefront, and to be an active part of the change through software solutions that exploit all the potential of frontier technologies, enabling companies to make forecasts, financial analysis, and payment management processes as accurately as possible.
Consistent with its mission as an aggregator of technological excellence in the financial field, Piteco supports companies in finding the right financial balance, in implementing the most correct monetary policies and in identifying new sources of supply for the expansion and growth of their business.

AirPlus International is a multinational company specialised in providing innovative solutions for payment, reporting and analysis of business expenses that has 48,000 customers worldwide. From our partnership with AirPlus International was born the payment platform with virtual credit cards, fully integrated with Piteco Evo5 and treasury processes. Virtual credit cards represent an alternative digital tool for transactions between the customer and supplier, ranked by the Polytechnic University of Milan among the most innovative solutions of Supply Chain Finance. The advantages of the integrated Suite Piteco and Virtual Cards Procurement of AirPlus for Corporate are:
- Cash Flow optimisation
- Security, traceability, and control
- Increase in the company DPO
TAS Group
TAS Group is a leading technology company, providing advanced solutions for cards, payment systems, capital markets and extended enterprise. Our leading-edge software allows both banks and new players in the payments space to deliver and manage frictionless, real-time B2C, B2B, B2G transactions, integrating with and leveraging the latest technologies. From advanced fraud management solutions that exploit the power of Machine Learning, to scalable, modular payment platforms delivered over the Cloud, we empower our customers to unlock the infinite potential of the open and instant era and play an active role in the new payments ecosystem.
FinDynamic is the Fintech of reference in the Supply Chain Finance sector. Its solutions (Dynamic Discounting, Confirming, Factoring, etc.) allow companies to generate economic value through the efficient use of their liquidity. FinDynamic is the leader in Italy for Dynamic Discounting solutions, with more than 120 active supply chain managers and over 15,000 suppliers involved. Its solutions are strongly integrated both with the ERP system or treasury software of the head of the supply chain, as well as with the portfolio management systems of banking institutions.
PayDo is the digital payment fintech which, through the Plick functionality, allows its customers to make payments irrevocably and without amount limits, via text messages, WhatApp or e-mail without knowing the recipient’s iban to anyone in the SEPA area, with no need for registration or a dedicated app. Through the integration of Plick® by PayDo in Piteco Evolution, companies with a consumer target can now offer a highly innovative and rapid collection and payment service, enriching and improving the user experience of all those involved. With the security guaranteed both by Plick’s features and by Piteco’s compliance with the various segregation of duties and powers of authorisation and signature.